Wednesday, 20 March 2013

About SANA
Save The Needy Africa (SANA) is an indigenous non governmental and non political organization working to improve the lives of orphans and other vulnerable groups in Uganda. Formed in 2006, the organization is concerned with the health and development of poor children who have inadequate access to basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and opportunity for education and training.

SANA Vision
“To bring new hope into the lives of the lives of orphans and other vulnerable groups.”

SANA Mission
To provide children at risk with opportunities for learning and personal development through activities that support their struggle for self reliance.

To improve the quality of life for disadvantaged children.

Who We Target
We target most needy orphans and other vulnerable children. SANA’s five year goal is to reach out to 2000 children and their care takers with interventions to reduce their vulnerability.

How We Work
SANA Works through community based groups (CBGs). These CBGs select their own members from the community .Each CBG has between 15 - 30 members and these meet once in a week and are supervised by SANA field officers.

Where We Work
SANA is currently working in the Eastern Region of Uganda. It is operating in one district comprising of counties. We have field offices in Budondo, Buyengo, and butagaya with the head office in Jinja town.

The SANA Model
(1) Food Security & Nutrition
  • Community based group training on food security and nutrition.
  • Establishment of kitchen gardens
  • Chicken pay back scheme
  • Training of house holds on improved farming.
(2) Health
  • Psychosocial support
  • HIV/AIDS prevention and care
  • Voluntary counseling Testing
  • Reproductive Heath Education
(3) Education & Child Protection
  • Primary, secondary and vocational sponsorship.
  • Community based group training on OVC and educational support.
  • BUYALA Community School..

(4) Social Economic Empowerment
  • Village savings and loan associations
  • Community based groups business trainings
  • Art and craft training workshops.
  • Establishment of self help groups (farmers)

SANA works in partnership with government, international, and national non governmental organizations and other organizations that provide training, counseling, ARVS and other professional services to SANA beneficiaries.

How SANA Is Funded
SANA is funded internally through income generating activities, contribution from its founder members, friends and well wishers.
If you would like to offer a helping hand, please contact us:

TEL: +256-712-586617